2025.01.22. T. Matsuda et al., Phys. Rev. Mater. 9, 014202 (2025).
Our paper for discovering an emergence of high-mobility carriers in a kagome bad metal by intense photoexcitation was pulished in Physical Review Materials.
2025.01.08. M. Nakagawa et al., arXiv:2501.04874 [physics.optics]
A new preprint by M. Nakagawa et al. was posted on arXiv.
2024.12.19. A. M. Shirai et al., arXiv:2412.14564 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by A. M. Shirai et al. was posted on arXiv.
2024.11.01. T. Fujimoto et al., arXiv:2411.00528 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by T. Fujimoto et al. was posted on arXiv.
2024.10.28-31. Invited talk by Yuta Murotani at ISSP International Workshop "Materials Science of Solids and Surfaces using Radiation Field Controlled in Time/Space Domain" (ISSP)
2024.07.26. K. Ogawa et al., Nature Commun. 15, 6310 (2024)
Our paper for programmable generation of counterrotating bicircular pulses in the multi-terahertz region was pulished in Nature Communications.
2024.07.15-19. The 23rd Ultrafast Phenomena conference (Barcelona, Spain)
2024.07.10. R. Kameyama, S. Tanaka et al., Opt. Lett. 49, 3978 (2024).
Our paper for realizing ultra-broadband detection of infrared pulses generated by two-color laser-induced air plasma was pulished in Optics Letters.
2024.04.01. Dr. Go Yumoto, Dr. Kotaro Nakagawa, and Kota Aikyo joined our group as a project research associate, a posdoc researcher, and a graduate student.
2024.03.11-12. Invited talk by Yuta Murotani at Joint workshop: THz and SFG spectroscopy and related phenomena in Solid-State Physics and Surface Science (Berlin, Germany)
2024.02.26-27. Invited talk at Germany-Japan Workshop on Trends in Quantum Materials and beyond (Würzburg, Germany)
2024.02.13-16. International Symposium on Quantum Electronics (Hongo campus, UT)
2024.01.11. Mayuri Nakagawa successfully defended her Ph.D thesis. Congratulation!
2024.01.04. T. Fujimoto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 016301 (2024).
Our paper for the first observation of terahertz spin Hall conductivity spectrum was published in Physical Review Letters as Editors' Suggestion.
2024.01.03. N. Kanda et al., Opt. Express 32, 1576 (2024).
Our paper for demonstrating time-domain characterization of multi-terahertz electric field vector was published in Optics Express.
2023.12.26. Y. Murotani et al., Nano Lett. (2023) online published.
Our paper for elucidating anomalous Hall transport of "isospin" degree of freedom in a 3D Dirac semimetal was published online in Nano Letters.
2023.12.08. K. Ogawa et al., arXiv:2312.04768 [physics.optics]
A new preprint by K. Ogawa et al. was posted on arXiv.
2023.11.21. T. Matsuda et al., arXiv:2311.12339 [cond-mat.str-el]
A new preprint by T. Matsuda et al. was posted on arXiv.
2023.11.20-21. Invited talk at Summit of Materials Science 2023 and GIMRT User Meeting 2023 (Sendai)
2023.10.27. Seminar by T. Fujimoto at the Chinese Academy of Science Terahertz Center (Online)
2023.10.02. Y. Murotani et al., arXiv:2310.01093 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
A new preprint by Y. Murotani et al. was posted on arXiv.
2023.09.20. N. Kanda et al., arXiv:2309.11675 [physics.optics]
A new preprint by N. Kanda et al. was posted on arXiv.
2023.09.17-22. Invited talk by Yuta Murotani and Tomohiro Fujimoto at The 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) (Montreal, Canada)
2023.09.01. Dr. Yuta Murotani was promoted as a research associate.
2023.08.29. Y. Murotani et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 096901 (2023).
Our paper for disentangling the competeing microscopic mechanisms of chiral light-induced anomalous Hall conductivity in a Dirac semimetal was published in Physical Review Letters.
2023.06.20. S. Tanaka et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 251101 (2023).
Our paper for developing a gapless broadband THz pulse detection method using a metal without bias voltage was published in Applied Physics Letters as Featured article.
2023.06.04-10. Invited talk by Yuta Murotani at X International Symposium "Ultrafast Dynamics & Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics (Crete, Greece)
2023.05.25. M. Nakagawa et al., Opt. Express 31, 19371 (2023).
Our paper for developing a jitter correction method in asynchronous optical sampling terahertz spectroscopy was published in Optics Express.
2023.05.16. T. Fujimoto et al., arXiv:2305.09155 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by T. Fujimoto et al. was posted on arXiv.
- 2023.05.02. We have an open position for a project research associate. See details here:
"Laser and Synchrotron Research Center (LASOR), Project Research Associate, Deadline on June 30"
2023.05.01. H. Tanaka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 186402 (2023).
A new paper for a ferromagnetic spinel was published in Physical Review Letters.
2023.04.01. Kotaro Ogawa joined our group as a graduate student.
2023.03.21. T. Matsuda et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 126302 (2023).
Our paper for the first report of ultrafst sub-100 fs dynamics of anomalous Hall effect in magnets was published in Physical Review Letters.
- 2023.02.22. We have an open position for a research associate. See details here:
"Laser and Synchrotron Research Center (LASOR), Research Associate, Deadline on April 28"
2022.11.08-11. Invited talk at 2nd International Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science (Tokyo-Online hybrid)
2022.11.10. Y. Murotani, N. Kanda et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 207402 (2022). (equal contribution)
Our paper for drastic enhancement of stimulated Rayleigh scattering in a Dirac semimetal under a periodic light field was published in Physical Review Letters.
2022.11.04. Y. Murotani et al., arXiv:2211.02229 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by Y. Murotani et al. was posted on arXiv.
2022.10.28. Seminar by Y. Murotani at the Chinese Academy of Science Terahertz Center (Online)
2022.10.03-07. Invited talk by Natsuki Kanda at Future Materials 2022 3rd International Conference on Materials Science & Nanotechnology (Rome + Online)
2022.10.01. Yuchen Wang joined our group as a graduate student.
2022.08.22-26. Invited talk at The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (Online)
2022.06.14. T. Matsuda et al., arXiv:2206.06627 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by T. Matsuda et al. was posted on arXiv.
2022.04.01. Ami Shirai joined our group as a graduate student.
2022.03.14. N. Kanda et al., Nano Lett. (2022) published online.
Our paper revealing ultrafast dynamics in a photoexcited Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 by detecting broadband (10-45THz) response functions was published online in Nano Letters.
2022.03.10. Max Planck Quantum Matter Seminar (Online)
2022.03.03. H. Chorsi et al., Adv. Func. Mater. (2022) published online.
Our review paper of topological materials for applications in optoelectronics was published online in Advanced Functional Materials.
2022.02.28. Seminar by T. Matsuda at the Chinese Academy of Science Terahertz Center (Online)
2022.01.25. Seminar at the Chinese Academy of Science Terahertz Center (Online)
2021.12.24. Y. Murotani, N. Kanda et al., arXiv:2112.13113 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by Y. Murotani and N. Kanda et al. was posted on arXiv.
- 2021.11.26. Dr. Zhou Li joined our group as a visiting professor.
2021.11.15-19 Invited talk at VIII Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics (Online)
2021.11.01-04 Invited talk at 9th Russia-Japan-USA-Europe Symposium on Fundamental & Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices & Technologies (RJUSE-TeraTech 2021) (Online-Sendai hybrid)
2021.10.25-29 1st International Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science (TSQS2021) (Online)
2021.10.19. N. Kanda et al., arXiv:2110.09689 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by N. Kanda et al. was posted on arXiv.
2021.04.01. Mayuri Nakagawa joined our group as a graduate student.
2021.02.19. Invited talk at CEMS Topical Meeting "Topology in Photon-Matter Interaction" (Online)
2021.01.21. N. Kanda et al., Opt. Express 29, 3479 (2021).
Our paper for demonstrating optical parametric amplification of 17-45 THz pulses and developing extremely-phase-stable THz-MIR light source was published in Optics Express.
2021.01.21. Invited talk at CATS workshop on Nonlinear Electromagnetic Dynamics of Topological Semimetals (Online)
2020.10.07. Seminar talk at Correlated electrons virtual international seminars (Online)
2020.09.24. N. Kanda et al., Light Sci. Appl. 9, 168 (2020).
A new paper by N. Kanda for developing a MHz-repetition-rate coherent XUV source was published in Light: Science & Applications.
2020.09.09. Invited talk at JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia (Online)
2020.05.07. N. Kanda et al., arXiv:2005.03538 [physics.optics]
A new preprint by N. Kanda et al. was posted on arXiv.
2020.04.01. Yuta Murotani and Tomohiro Fujimoto joined our group as a posdoc researcher and a graduate student.
2020.03.19. B. Cheng, N. Kanda et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 117402 (2020). (equal contribution)
Our paper for observation of efficient terahertz harmonic generation and sub-cycle time-resolved study of electron dynamics in a Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 was published in Physical Review Letters.
2020.02.14. T. Matsuda et al., Nature Commun. 11, 909 (2020).
Our paper for observation of terahertz anomalous Hall effect in a Weyl antiferromanget Mn3Sn was published in Nature Communications.
2020.02.02-07. Invited talk at Gordon Research Conference: Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems (Lucca, Italy)
2020.02.01-06. SPIE OPTO Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXIV (San Francisco, USA)
2019.12.29. T. Matsuda et al., arXiv:1912.12668 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by T. Matsuda et al. was posted on arXiv.
2019.09.25-27. Workshop for Nano- and Ultrafast Surface Science (NUSS) (Germany)
2019.09.05. H. Niwa et al., Phys. Rev. B 100, 104507 (2019).
Our paper revealing intense light-induced nonequilibrium response of a cuprate superconductor was published in Physical Review B as Editors' Suggestion.
2019.08.20. B. Cheng, N. Kanda et al., arXiv:1908.07164 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
A new preprint by B. Cheng, N. Kanda et al. was posted on arXiv. (equal contribution)
- 2019.06.25. S. Nakamura et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 257001 (2019).
Our paper for the development of new detection schme for the Higgs amplitude mode in a superconductor by supercurrent injection was published in Physical Review Letters.
- 2019.05.09. Bing Cheng from Johns Hopkins University joined our group for collaboration research.
- 2019.02.18-20. Topological Phases and Functionality of Correlated Electron Systems 2019 (TPFC2019) (Kashiwa)
- 2018.12.13-14. The 31st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2018) (Ibaraki)
- 2018.09.03. Prof. N. Peter Armitage joined our group as a visiting professor for JSPS Invitational Fellowships for Resarch in Japan (Long-term).
- 2018.04.12. Group webpage was modified.
- 2018.04.02. Dr. Natsuki Kanda and Dr. Takuya Matsuda joined our group as a research associate and a posdoc researcher.
- 2018.03.14. K. Katsumi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 117001 (2018).
Our paper for the detection of the Higgs amplitude mode in a d-wave cuprate superconductor was published in Physical Review Letters as Editors' Suggestion.
- 2018.03.09. G. Yumoto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 107401 (2018).
Our paper for terahertz extreme nonlinearity in graphene was published in Physical Review Letters.
- 2018.01.25. Invited talk at ISSP Colloquiums
- 2017.12.05. Invited talk at Symposium on Frontier of Terahertz Science IV (Atami)
- 2017.11.14. K. Katsumi et al., arXiv:1711.04923 [cond-mat.supr-con]
Our preprint for the detection of the Higgs amplitude mode in a d-wave cuprate superconductor was uploaded on arXiv.
- 2017.11.01. The research associate position was closed. Thank you for so many applications.
- 2017.10.16. Talk at LASOR seminor (ISSP)
- 2017.09.21-24. Oral presentation in JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting (Iwate)
- 2017.09.05-08. The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017 (Fukuoka)
- 2017.09.04. Hosono-san joined our group as a secretary.
- 2017.08.23. Self-introduction at icaffe in ISSP.
- 2017.08.04. We have an open position for a research associate. See details here.
- 2017.07.21. R. Matsunaga et al., Phys. Rev. B 96, 020505(R) (2017).
Our paper for the Higgs mode contribution on nonliner terahertz susceptibility in a superconductor NbN was published in Physical Review B Rapid Communication.
- 2017.07.03. R. Matsunaga moved to The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo as an associate professor.