Yuta Murotani



Room A230, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan.
Tel: +81-4-7136-3377
Fax: +81-4-7136-3376
E-mail: murotani[at]issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Google Scholar / ORCID / researchmap


Sep. 2023- Current position
Apr. 2021-Aug. 2023 Project researcher, Matsunaga group, The Institute for Solid State Physics
Apr. 2020-Mar. 2021 Project researcher, Kobayashi group, The Institute for Solid State Physics
Apr. 2018-Mar. 2020 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Apr. 2015-Mar. 2020 Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Apr. 2011-Mar. 2015 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo


Nov. 2022 Poster Award (Symposium TSQS2022)
Nov. 2021 The Best Presentation Award for Young Researchers (Symposium on ... Terahertz Science VIII)
Mar. 2020 The School of Science Encouragement Award (The University of Tokyo)